Saturday, November 29, 2014

Buddhism Plain and Simple

Buddhism Plain and Simple By Steve Hagen

This book was recommended to me when I first started exploring Buddhism. Hagen explores the subject free of religious ritual and attempts to explain the "simple" concepts. Full of memorable lines, this book will have you thinking.
"So you don't have to do the long search, the frantic chase, the painful quest. You're already right where you need to be.”-Hagen

The Dexter Novels

What came first? The chicken or the egg or in this case, the novel or the show? Jeff Lindsay's rule oriented serial killer first appeared in novel form. If you've watched all of the Showtime series and are afraid you'll just be re-reading what you've already seen; don't. Although the first book and the first season are very similar, the endings are quite different and the two depart and go their own way. The novel version of Dexter is more sinister and the voice of the Dark Passenger constantly reminds the reader, Dexter is not compassionate, he's not a good guy- he's a serial killer.  If you're having Dexter withdrawal or just hate the way the tv series ended, pick these thrilling novels up. Dexter is now appearing in graphic novels too!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Behind the Gates of Gomorrah: A Year with the Criminally Insane By Stephen Seager

Have you ever wondered what happens to a criminal who is found unfit to stand trial? I can't say it was a question that kept me up at night but when I picked up Behind the Gates of Gomorrah: A Year with the Criminally Insane, promising a dark version of Orange is the New Black, it definitely crossed my mind and decided I should find out. What does happen to the criminally insane is frightening but not as scary as what happens to those charged to care for them.

Dr. Seager chronicles his first year at California's Gorman State Hospital where he watches colleagues (and himself) get beaten, attacked, threatened and demeaned only to have their attacker return after they are found, yet again, to be unfit to stand trial. His eye-opening account is not preachy. Seager saves his rant on the flawed system as an afterword to the book. Instead, he paints a picture in hard facts and lets the reader decide how they feel about Gomorrah and the system itself.

Tweak By Nic Sheff

Nic Sheff, who has gone on to write many other books (and his dad has also penned some books about being on the other side of this disease,) is at his best in Tweak. The memoir is raw, emotional, honest and dark. At times his life reads like fiction and at other times his pain is so real, it hurts. When Sheff talks about hating the way he looks, feeling lonely, and not enough is when he speaks to the real heart of addiction. Getting high, wandering the streets, all those other things are really nothing more than a dark filler to propel the reader through the agony of what it means to be an addict.

Doctor Sleep By Stephen King

Stephen King has never been a sequel kind of guy. A series kind of guy? Maybe. A master storyteller of great length, when needed? Absolutely. But sequels? As a long time fan of his books (I can still remember walking into a bookstore and asking for Different Seasons, my stepmother standing behind me, waving to the clerk to tell me they didn't have so she could have it for me, wrapped under the Christmas tree) I never really considered that King would revisit any of his chilling tales. I have a few characters of his that drift into my mind from time to time, wondering what ever became of them, if they would ever suffer or rise again from his pen. Then I heard a rumor that Danny Torrence would live again- that we would find out what happened to the little boy from The Overlook Hotel, fatherless and haunted. Then the rumor turned to truth and I had the book. I devoured Doctor Sleep. Haunting, twisted, delightful and unyielding in all the ways only Stephen King can be. I don't want to give anything away. Not even a morsel but if you loved The Shining, you'll love Doctor Sleep. I hope you'll take the chance to revisit Danny. He's a friend worth checking in on.

Daring Greatly By Brene Brown

Daring Greatly is quite simply one of the best books I have read not just about vulnerability but about authentic, genuine living (Having said that, I can't discount her previous book, The Gifts of Imperfection all about wholehearted living but that's a different book review). As a manager of multiple employees, Daring Greatly reminds me that I must be the catalyst for open, honest discussion, capable of admitting my mistakes but also allowing room for others to honest and vulnerable themselves. This is the kind of book that can transform who you are. The book reads in a way that you can just plow through and ingest morsels of great thinking and pieces of the call to action but after having taken that approach, I personally want to revisit the text as a long term study, breaking the chapters down into practice.

Drinking: A Love Story

Caroline Knapp's memoir chronicles not only her descent into alcoholism but how she got there, where it took her and how she moved on with life after putting down the bottle. With the number of alcoholic women quickly gaining on their male counterparts, Knapp's memoir, despite being written in 1997, is fresh, relevant and worth revisiting. Knapp's bottom did not come from being homeless, or other brutal consequences often associated with alcoholism but from isolation, loneliness and the out-of-control realization that something is very, very wrong. In our "I deserve it" culture, Knapp's story will hit close to home for many.

A Man Came Out of a Door in the Mountain

A Man Came Out of a Door in the Mountain By Adrianne Harun

The scenery and landscape described in this novel will make you feel like you are deep in the damp forests of the Pacific Northwest. Will amazing storytelling  and an eye for detail, Harun paints a sinister plot that will keep you up at night. This is not a horror story but it does have 'keep you up at night' moments. Follow Leo and his four friends as they confront life in this dead end town and what happens when it seems like the devil himself has appeared.

“Mythical, magical, and chillingly real…Adrianne Harun’s writing can hold you breathless.”
—Jess Walter, author of Beautiful Ruins

Until Today

Until Today By Iyanla Vanzant

I've never been one for daily devotionals until a friend introduced me to this handy book. Each month is broken down by a theme such as Forgiveness, Trust, Faith, etc. and the entire month of devotionals focuses on the topic at hand. Written specifically for women, Iyanla delves into the difficult with loving kindness to help bring ourselves closer to our authentic self. A great way to start the day!

Psychopath Test

The Psychopath Test By Jon Ronson

Much like me, you've probably called a boss, an ex-friend, maybe even a stranger a psychopath or its sister term, a sociopath. But what do these terms really mean and how would you truly know if the person in front of you was a psychopath?

Jon Ronson travels down the rabbit hole where he encounters Scientologists, LSD wielding psychologists, psychopathic CEO's and a whole network of individuals looking to find a cure for the incurable.

The Psychopath Test, written like an edge of the seat Law and Order episode, had me wondering if psychopaths really did rule the world or just the prison yard. Full of handy information and facts about psychiatry that will surprise and possibly shock the reader, Psychopath Test is a book worth picking up.

Further Reading: "Voluntary Madness" By Norah Vincent and "A First-Rate Madness: Uncovering the Links Between Leadership and Madness" By Nassir Ghaemi.

How to Sit By Thich Nhat Hahn

How To Sit By Thich Nhat Hanh

This slender volume is great to throw in your bag, purse or back pocket. Sitting is something we all do but How to Sit will give you tips on how to do it mindfully. Studies are starting to report the positive effects of mindfulness on the body and health, something meditation experts have known for years. Thich Nhat Hanh's writing style is loving, easy to follow and will teach both experts and novices alike different types of sitting meditation. In the blur and business of our daily lives, I can't recommend this book enough. If you enjoy it, make sure to check out his other great books- specifically in this series, How to Eat.